Am I Missing Something?

I downloaded mAirlist onto my new Vista Laptop, as I use it quite often. Opened it for the first time and it was set up as normal, looked fine, had the default layout.

I then went into the config program, just unticked a few boxes, made a few changes so it’s set up how i like it. I log back into the main window and all of the modules are up in the left hand corner. I’ve tried using other layouts and skins (thanks to Tony) but none of these seem to make any difference. I’ve reinstalled it, and done all that but nothing seems to solve this issue.

Is it something i’ve done, something which i’m just not seeing? Maybe a simple problem? ???

Hi Adam, and welcome.

Please check if there is a file named “layout.ini” somewhere in your mAirList folder or its subfolders. If so, mAirList will switch into “custom layout mode”, reading the coordinates of all screen objects from that file rather than aligning them in the default layout. When the file exists but is actually emtpy, all objects will be on the default position, which happens to be in the upper left corner (x=0, y=0).

Usually, the user will create the layout.ini file manually when he chooses to create a custom layout, but a layout.ini file may also be created automatically when you “accidently” run mAirList’s integreated layout designer through the supplied Start Menu shortcuts.

By the way, a while back, layout.ini (and also skin.ini, for adjusting the design of the objects) resided in the same folder as mAirList.exe. In the latest versions, however, there’s a subfolder named “config” in which all ini files go. So if you use mAirList 2.1.42+ and want to try a layout/skin from the forums, you need to put those files into the “config” folder, otherwise they will be ignored (and your empty layout.ini from the config folder will be used instead).

Hope this helps.


Hi Torben,
Thanks, and from my experience it is a great programme so good job you’ve done!

There wasn’t any “layout.ini” file, but Tony has sent me his layouts etc. which I have now put into the config file, but it still makes no difference, i downloaded the zip file on the website but this made no difference either.

I’ve still got the same problem?

This is really odd.

Can you please do the following:

  1. Make a copy of your mAirList program folder.
  2. From that copy, remove mAirList.exe and all DLL files (in order to save space).
  3. Create a zip archive of that folder.
  4. Send it to

I also need to know the exact mAirList version and build number you’re using (found in the About dialog).

I have once made the experience that mAirList saved layout.ini in a hidden folder named ApplicationData or something else in your local user file. So perhaps you have to try to search for layout.ini with windows search. Then you can delete it and your new layout.ini by Cad should be used.

Did the search, didn’t turn up anything.

I’ve sent you that email Torben! Cheers for your help, it might just be me missing something obvious!

mAirList should never save any configuration outside its own folder (unless you specified an alternative location using a command line option). If it does, it’s a bug.

I haven’t received the mail yet. I’ll keep on waiting patiently :wink:

I sent it about 15mins ago ;D

The attached file was only small so shouldn’t take too long to navigate cyber space ::slight_smile:

Hi Adam and welcome to the forums.

I’m sorry my ini files did not work for you, they are used with an earlier version of mAirList (2.1.41). They were first written for version 2.0 tweaking along the way and have been fine.

Hopefully Torben and the other forum users can be of more help.

Kind Regards Tony

Cheers for the help even so Tony! Was worth a try! ;D

The mail seems to be stuck. Can you please try to send it again?

I’ve sent it again, if you don’t get it, then i’ll send it from a different email. 8)

The mail was blocked by my virus scanner because of the .bat file inside the attached. I always thought either I or the sender would be notified in this situation …

Anyway, I’ll have a look at it later the day.

Any luck Torben?

To be honest, no. I don’t have Vista, but under XP, your config works fine, with the standard layout. I suspect that mAirList is looking for the layout.ini in a wrong place, for whatever reason.

When you run mAirList’s Layout Designer from the Start Menu, adjust the position of some objects, save the layout and re-open mAirList - are the positions restored then?

To be honest, you don’t want Vista, i’ve had no end of problems with it. User Accounts aren’t helpful, it has a habit of going the hardest way to find the easiest solution.

I’ve already tried that, the Layout Designer won’t save, as soon as I hit save, and go to another option and back to that one, the values have changed back again. It won’t save at all.

Ok, so there must be a mistake in the part of the code where I determine the location of all config files.

I just found a mistake related to path delimiters (there’s a forward slash in the default config dir location, XP seems to be fine with it, but perhaps Vista is not). Please get the latest mAirList.exe (Build 478) from

If it does not help, here’s another possible workaround:

  1. Copy the “config” directory to a different folder, preferably where there’s no blank in the final path, just like “c:\config”.

  2. Right-click the mAirList Start Menu item and choose Properties. In that dialog, adjust the commandline and append “-config c:\config” (mind the trailing backslash), telling mAirList explicitly where to expect the config files.

  3. mAirList should now use this directory rather than looking for its Program Files folder.

Right done all that and still no difference. None of them worked.

The only thing that’s changed is the cart wall is now yellow?

Hi Adam, if you are still using the ini files I sent, then the cart wall is yellow from the settings in skin.ini.

As mAirList appears to be reading the ini files, the most obvious thing is to check all the ini files are in the new folder you have specified from Torben’s suggestions.

HTH Tony

… or it’s just my bugfix (slash vs. backslash), and now mAirList is able to locate the files in the default folder.