Alternative Auto Cue graphics

I often import many files into different folders; some files require Auto Cue enabled, others disabled. The small Auto Cue checkbox does not particularly draw attention to itself and thus I often find that I’ve forgotten to enable or disable that feature for specific files. Usually, I see the error after the import has started or even finished.

The Auto Cue feature is an important function, so I request that a more distinctive design be considered, one that stands out and alerts the operator to its status. I’m thinking that an alternative could be ‘Auto Cue Enabled’ and ‘Auto Cue Disabled’ buttons, same as the ‘Assist’ and ‘Auto’ buttons on the playout. These new buttons could be large and located directly above the Import button. Also nice would be colored buttons, so that when Auto Cue is disabled that specific button is red, Auto Cue enabled would be green (or one large button that alternates colors between states).

With this feature, the setting on the very important Auto Cue would be obvious and an incorrect setting would call the attention of the operator–before the import begins.

Thank you for this consideration.

Best Regards, Alec

I’m guessing that you mean the Synchronise Storage function in mAirListDB, yes?

I sort of see what you mean, but I don’t personally think it’s such a big deal. The Auto Cue enabled checkbox IS right beside the big button which ‘imports’ the files, which I find a good enough reminder.

Than again, I always have that checkbox NOT ticked, because I invariably tag music files in mAirListTag BEFORE I Synchronise the Storage they’re in. (I save the info. in MMD files, then perform the Synchronise, then move the MMDs elsewhere as a backup.) That way, I can also set any other stuff I need, like Type and so forth, before I add the files in mAirListDB. The Synchronise ‘picks up’ everything in the MMD file, which incidentally tends to speed up the Synchronise process a little.


Cad, I agree that it is a minor detail, perhaps one not worth the effort. Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to overlook the box as I quickly import into different folders, which have different requirements for auto cue. Of course, I usually notice after I’ve finished importing :(.

Thank you!

Regards, Alec