Would it be possible to specify how many cart walls you want in a similar way to the playlists.
Basically, i wish to have a bank of “hotkeys” 10 long on the main window under a playlist, these would have station jingles etc on them, then i would like to have an extra cartwall on my other monitor that can be modified etc and be very much the presenters own cartwall.
This would be ideal if possible, unless you can think of a different way, maybe adding a new feature called “hotkeys” or something along those lines.
Many Thanks
I’d thought about this one before and the only solution I can see is to define an extra Playlist and multiple Players use those Players as glorified HotKeys… Using the LayoutDesigner, make sure the extra playlists are “0” in size and turn off any extra GUI options for them as you won’t be seeing the playlist so it doesn’t matter what it looks like… and you have something quite crude but workable. To populate (and keep) the audio items - Ensure that items do not eject on EOF or Stop and that you drag your desired HotKey audio items to the Players and then save your standard.mlt file so they are recalled upon startup.
Does that make sense ? 
yeah, definetly make sense, will give it a go.
The only problem though would be that we would need a drop down box similar to what is already on the cart wall for the different hotkey types
But, your idea is great as a temporary measure…
I tried my own solution earlier and it works rather well - I duplicated my Cartwall skin.ini settings and set mAirList up so that there was an extra Playlist with 8 Players in a row along the bottom of the screen. You can drop your items into the Players, then save as an MLD template for each set of Browser/Event/Hotkey combinations you want.
News Bed/Tags can be handled by setting the keyboard actions to something like:
The first is a simple start/stop command - the 2nd Hotkey/Player will start and then fade Player 1 (if playing). As Players do not have “triggers”, this is the workaround